What are we going to learn today?
The importance of the Elements of Art
These elements are the building blocks, or ingredients, of art.
In your sketchbooks, you are going to take some notes on the following slideshow:
Elements Of Art from Slideshare
Create a two page journal entry for the ELEMENTS of ART. (If you need more space, move onto another page)
What to do? In addition to a definition for each element, make sure you indicate the following:
Line: Show the following different types of lines: Vertical, Horizontal, Diagonal, Zigzag, Curved, Width, Texture (You can use whatever materials you need, pencils, markers, thread/yarn)
Shape: Create both geometric and organic (make these out of cut paper - construction paper, magazines, newspaper, foil, wrapping paper - be creative).
Form: find pictures of forms - find a ball, cone, cube.
Space: Create positive/negative space. Use cutout paper. You will need scraps for this one. Label background, foreground, middleground.
Color: Make a simple 6-color wheel (primary and secondary colors) You can use colored pencils, markers, magazine cutouts...
Value: Make two value scales using a regular pencil and a colored pencil. Go from light to dark.
Texture: Make at least 4 rubbings of different textures. Glue them into your sketchbook.

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