Create a two page journal entry for the ELEMENTS of ART. (If you need more space, move onto another page)
What to do? In addition to a definition for each element, make sure you indicate the following:
Line: Show the following different types of lines: Vertical, Horizontal, Diagonal, Zigzag, Curved, Width, Texture (You can use whatever materials you need, pencils, markers, thread/yarn)

What to do? In addition to a definition for each element, make sure you indicate the following:
Line: Show the following different types of lines: Vertical, Horizontal, Diagonal, Zigzag, Curved, Width, Texture (You can use whatever materials you need, pencils, markers, thread/yarn)
Shape: Create both geometric and organic (make these out of cut paper - construction paper, magazines, newspaper, foil, wrapping paper - be creative).
Form: find pictures of forms - find a ball, cone, cube.
Space: Create positive/negative space. Use cutout paper. You will need scraps for this one. Label background, foreground, middleground.
Color: Make a simple 6-color wheel (primary and secondary colors) You can use colored pencils, markers, magazine cutouts...
Value: Make two value scales using a regular pencil and a colored pencil. Go from light to dark.
Texture: Make at least 4 rubbings of different textures. Glue them into your sketchbook.

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